A Quick Start
Yychi Fyu @SIST, ShanghaiTech
Computation Graph: The structure of TF.
Tensor("add_5:0", shape=(1, 1), dtype=int32)
The above codes “describe” a computation graph:
How can we actually see a tensor
To evaluate a tensor, we need
This is so-called lazy-evaluation!
Keep in mind:
is most fundamental object in TF. Almost all TF operations return the reference of tensor
Create constant tensor
Tensor("Const_15:0", shape=(), dtype=int32)
Tensor("Const_16:0", shape=(2,), dtype=int32)
Tensor("Const_17:0", shape=(2, 1), dtype=int32)
Mind the shape!
Interactive tensor evaluation
Tensor addition and scaling
Tensor data types
Tensor shapes!
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
[[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]]
[[0 1]
[2 3]
[4 5]
[6 7]]
Any computation in TF is represented as an instance of a tf.Graph
A tf.Session()
object stores the context under which a computation is performed.
Use an explicit context
Here comes tf.Variable()
Creating a variable is easy enough.
What about to evaluate the variable a
As we said before, TF code just describes computation, a variable should be initialized before using it.
How to use a variable? Just initialize it!
A variable is mutable, and statful, we can assign a new value to it!
Assigning values to variables
The shape should match!
Since we already have variables, why do we need placeholders?
A placeholder is a way to input information into a TF computation graph.
*"Think of placeholders as the input nodes through which information enters TF."*
$\mapsto$ np.ndarray
Linear Regression
Use synthetic toy data for the regression task. The data is generated by $$ y = wx + b + \epsilon, $$ where $\epsilon \sim N(0,1)$.
Generate the data
Plot the data
Generate TF graph
Perform training
Thank you!