Polybar 的配置笔记


今年早些时候,从 Gnome 换到 i3,原因是因为原来的 gnome 被我弄崩溃了。一时难以解决,又想到之前好几次隐约感觉到 gnome 的不稳定,一气之下决定换一个轻量,稳定的,可定制的窗口管理工具。至于为什么换 i3?去知乎吸收一下各个管理器间的哲学就知道了。以前从 Windows 转 Linux,也是这么过来的,知乎真是个好地方!

Matrix Factorization


Def: A matrix $A \in M_n$ is normal if $AA^∗ = A^∗A$, that is, if $A$ commutes with its conjugate transpose.

Def: A complex matrix $A$ is unitary if $AA^∗ = I$ or $A^∗A = I$, and a real matrix $B$ is orthogonal if $BB^T = I$ or $B^TB = I$.

Image adapted from Meyer’s book

There is no so-called “orthonormal” matrix. There is just an orthogonal matrix whose rows or columns are orthonormal vectors.

Exponential Distribution


The Exponential distribution is the continuous counterpart to the Geometric distribution. The story of the Exponential distribution is analogous, but we are now waiting for a success in continuous time, where successes arrive at a rate of $\lambda$ successes per unit of time. The average number of successes in a time interval of length $t$ is $\lambda t$, though the actual number of successes varies randomly. An Exponential random variable represents the waiting time until the first arrival of a success.



$X \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)~$,$\displaystyle f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}$,其微分熵推导过程如下:

Vim Quick Reference

This article needs polish, do not truely trust it!

Vim is so-called the god of editors, but not so friendly to new users. Today we will cover some techniques and trick of vim, for further reference.

General Pattern

A vim operation consists of three parts, namely



  • OPERATOR - what you want to do? This mainly covers copy, cut, paste, etc.
  • NUMBER - how many times do you want? It’s nothing but repeating the operation NUMBER times, and it’s optional.
  • MOTION - where do you want to go? This point out the scope where the OPERATOR applies.

Note: order does not matter sometimes.

Melody 主题的一些个人更改


Melody 主题字体配置文件在 $BLOG/themes/melody/source/css/var.styl,其中 $BLOG 为 Hexo 博客根目录。截取一段如下:

// Global Variables
$font-size = 16px
$font-color = #1F2D3D
$rem = 20px
$font-family = Martel Sans, Spectral, Lato, Helvetica Neue For Number, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, PingFang SC, Hiragino Sans GB, Microsoft YaHei, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
$code-font = Monaco, consolas, Menlo, "PingFang SC", "Microsoft YaHei", monospace, Helvetica Neue For Number
$text-line-height = 2

这样的话就可以使用自定义的字体 Martel Sans 了。但是这仅限于在本地使用,因为别人的计算机中可能没有这个字体。所以必须制定网页去哪儿加载这个字体。一个方法是,将你系统的字体文件复制到博客根目录的 source/fonts 文件夹。

HTML 美化 Markdown 排版

Markdown 是一门轻量标记型语言,因其简单易用而受众甚广。但是正因其简单,故而也有一部分局限性(虽然说它保留的即是最常用、最基本的排版功能)。本文就来说说在使用 Markdown 排版的时候,如何引入一点 HTML 的技巧来帮助我们排版的更加好看。

使用 Git 管理配置文件

对于 Linux 用户,在 $HOME 文件夹下,一般都有大量的隐藏文件,形如.conf,.xxxrc等,这些都是程序的配置文件。很多人也许花了一个下午,一天,甚至一个星期,折腾某某程序的配置文件。如果这些轻易丢失了,那就是浪费生命了!所以,如何将这些文件备份,成了很多人必须要问的一个问题。